City Pixel Art Wallpapers

Looking for stunning pixel art wallpapers of cities? Look no further! Our site offers a collection of 28 amazing city pixel art wallpapers that are perfect for adding a unique touch to your desktop or smartphone. From New York to Tokyo, these wallpapers capture the beauty of cities in an artistic and pixelated style. Easily download your favorite wallpaper and give your device a fresh, urban look.

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  1. Peaches

    These pixel art wallpapers of cityscapes are simply delightful! The attention to detail in each design brings out a nostalgic charm that’s hard to resist. I love how they capture the essence of urban life in such a unique way. Each wallpaper tells a different story, making it easy to find one that resonates with your personal style. Great job on curating such a diverse collection!

  2. Shadow_99

    Who needs a city tour when you have these awesome pixel art wallpapers? Now I can feel like a big shot architect without ever leaving my couch!
